What is the appropriate way to acknowledge the lands on which we currently live and the Indigenous people who are native to them?

"Land Acknowledgement: Lessons in Respect and Responsibility for Non-Natives" is a unique and interactive workshop that explores the etiquette and ethos of Land Acknowledgement beyond "virtue signaling." Join us on Monday, April 8 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to learn how individuals, event hosts, and organizations can intentionally and respectfully recognize the native history of our Great Lakes region and the Indigenous people who have lived here for centuries.

Featuring a panel discussion followed by a talk on food sovereignty that includes sampling Indigenous food, "Land Acknowledgement: Lessons in Respect and Responsibility for Non-Natives" will be held at the historic Nottawaseppi Huron Band of the Potawatomi’s Pine Creek Reservation in Fulton, Michigan, just a half-hour drive away from Kalamazoo.

Click HERE for the course catalog